Standard Room with comfortable bed plus 2 hours group playtime each day. Includes daily Report Card and photo updates.
Individual Luxury room with amazing bedding plus 2 hours group playtime each day. Includes daily Report Card and photo updates.
Economy dog boarding style plus 2 hours group playtime each day. Includes daily Report Card and photo updates. Must meet all requirements.
Dog Day Care service with 2 hours group playtime included.
For each day
Unlimited daycare service per month.
More detail please visit "Join Membership" Page.
We understand every dog is special in some way. That's why Here at Majesty Pet Hotels, we provide add-on package that fulfils your love one's needs.
Bring your pet home fresh and clean
Worry about Flea and Tick bothering your lovely pet? We can help!
Give your lovely pet a set of warm pillow and blanket.
Bring your pet home with nice and clean feet
For senior dogs who are over 10 years old
For puppy who are younger than 6 month.
NOT include 1 on 1 play section
Supplement and oral medication feeding, and other medication handling (Injection NOT included). Please call for more detail.